Friday, January 21, 2011

Life Journal, January 21, 2011

Life Journal, January 21, 2011
Today's readings: Exodus 1, 2; Psalm 88; Luke 21


While Jesus was in the Temple, he watched the rich people dropping their gifts in the collection box. Then a poor widow came by and dropped in two small coins.

"I tell you the truth," Jesus said, "this poor widow has given more than all the rest of them. For they have given a tiny part of their surplus, but she, poor as she is, has given everything she has."
Luke 21.1-4

It's not about giving our 10%--it's about giving it all.

Application (How will I be different today because of what I have just read?)
We whine at giving 10% and have many excuses why we cannot give that much. But, we are called to give everything . . . not just 10%.

So, the question is, do I give it all to God?? I need a place to live--so I have to pay rent. But, do I use my "house" as an offering to God--do I use it for hospitality, Bible study, making a home for someone in need? Do I give it all?

My Jeep--do I use it for God? Do I give rides to those who need them? Do I take things to people who have no way to get them?

Do I trust God enough with all that I have that He will take care of me? That's the bottom line. Am I willing to do without something that I really don't need so I can do for someone else?? Am I willing to give EVERYTHING to Him?

If I give my 10%, I'm really not giving anything. Jesus asks for it all--all our money, all we have, all of us. He doesn't just want a piece of us--He wants every tiny bit of us.

So, today . . . wow--this is not easy. Am I really willing to turn it ALL over to God and to trust Him with it all. Am I willing to say "no" to myself so I can fully say YES to God? Today, I am willing and ready to begin the journey. Today, I will remember who it all belongs to and I will not hold on to it tightly, but will open my hands so God can take it and use it. Today, it is ALL His!

Father God, I am not fooling You or me--I know it sounds easier than it is. But, I do want to give it all to You and I want the freedom that comes in trusting You with everything I have and with me. I realize that I will have to give it to You over and over--please help me to let go--help me to open my hands. Pry my fingers up so I can release all that I hold on to so tightly. Remove the fear that causes me to cling so to what I have. I put my full trust in You. Thank You!

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