Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Life Journal 20 June 2007
Today's reading: 2 Kings 4, 5; Psalm 83; 1 Timothy 2

Salvation Is Meant For All
Topic: Salvation
". . . for he wants everyone to be saved and to understand the truth. For there is only one God and one Mediator who can reconcile God and people. He is the man Christ Jesus. He gave his life to purchase freedom for everyone. This is the message that God gave to the world at the proper time."
1 Timothy 2.4-6 (New Living Translation)
God made a way for each of us to be reconciled [to restore harmony between persons, especially between God and human beings] with Him through His Son, Jesus Christ. God loves each of us so much that He wishes that none should perish.
I sometimes forget/even take for granted--so busy with life and serving God--the price that He paid for me so I could be in relationship with Him. . . and all because He loves me. Do I live my life in such a way that reflects that amazing love?? What can I do differently--how can I live differently and treat others in a way that they are drawn to Christ? My life needs to constantly point to Him.
Father, thank You for loving me so much that You sent Your Son, Jesus, to pay the price for my sin so I can be reconciled to You. I am overwhelmed by Your love for me. May my life be a reflection of that love. In Jesus' name, amen.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Life Journal 14 June 2007
Today's readings: 1 Kings 15; 2 Chronicles 13, 14; Philippians 4

The Strength That I Need
Topic: Depending on God
For I can do everything with the help of Christ
who gives me the strength I need.
Philippians 4.13
God will supply all that I need through Christ to do whatever He asks me to do.
I often find myself depending on my own strength to accomplish everything and anything. Often it is not until I get tired to struggling that I finally ask God to help. I tend to feel that I have to prove myself--and my capability on my own. How foolish. I make things so much harder for myself. It is hard to let go and allow God to take over--trusting Him to give me what I need to accomplish everything He asks. It is amazing how much more I can do . . . and how much better I do it when I depend on Christ to give me all the strength I need. I have nothing to prove--Jesus already did that for me. He is sufficient.
Father, thank You for Your promise. I thank You that I can do everything--all things--with Christ's help because my strength is found in Him. Help me to remember it!! Thank You that You don't give up on me! In Jesus' name, amen.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Life Journal 12 June 2007

Living a Life That Shines
Topic: The Life of a Believer
For God is working in you, giving you the desire to obey him and the power to do what pleases him. In everything you do, stay away from complaining and arguing, so that no one can speak a word of blame against you. You are to live clean innocent lives as children of God in a dark world full of crooked and perverse people. Let your lives shine brightly before them.
Philippians 2.13-15 (New Living Translation)
God, through His Holy Spirit, works in us and through us so we can be a light to the world--God shining brightly from our God-filled lives.
Application (How will I be different today because of what I have just read?)
As I continue reading in Philippians, I am reminded that God does not expect us to obey Him and please Him on our own--we can't do it on our own. He gives us the desire and the power, through His Holy Spirit, to live the lives He calls us to--clean, innocent lives as children of the most High God. If we open ourselves to Him, we can shine brightly for Him in a dark world--pointing to Him, not ourselves. But, we have to do our part--we have to give our lives over to Him and allow Him to work in us--even when it is painful. We have to give up our desires and replace them with what He desires for us. Yet, it really isn't giving up anything, at least not anything of eternity importance . . . and what I gain is far more than anything that I give up. So, why is it so hard for me to let go of certain areas of my life when I know that the life He offers is so much better than the one I have? It is something that I wrestle with all the time. I realize that it is a journey . . . one where I must daily (and sometimes hourly--or even by the minute) lay down my life so that I can be who He has called me to be--so I can shine brightly for Him.
Father God, I give You my life . . . again. Please open my eyes and my heart to those things that dim my "God-Light" and give me the strength and wisdom, through Your Holy Spirit, to overcome them. Strengthen my desire to obey You. Place within me the power to do what pleases You. In everything I do may I stay away from complaining and arguing. May I live a life that is clean and innocent as Your child. Lord, may I shine brightly for You in this dark world--lighting the path that leads to You. Thank You, Father. I love You and want to be wholly Yours. In Jesus name I pray, amen.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Life Journal 11 June 2007

Topic: Living a Christian Life

May you always be filled with the fruit of your salvation—those good things that are produced in your life by Jesus Christ—for this will bring much glory and praise to God.

Philippians 1.11 (New Living Translation)

That if we truly are living a saved life then it will show—and God will be glorified in it and through it.

Application (or, How will I be different today because of what I just read?)
I have to ask myself some hard questions—am I producing good fruit that is God honoring? Can folks see that I am different because of my relationship with Jesus? Or am I like everyone else? Do I show more love and mercy? Am I more compassionate?
I would like to think I could answer these questions with a resounding “YES!”, but if I am honest—I have lots and lots of room for growth. And, some days I do better than others.
So, what makes the difference—why are some days more “fruitful” than others?? It’s certainly not because I don’t have what I need to make better God-honoring choices—it’s because I choose not to make them, for whatever reason.
One critical piece to the choices I make is my walk with God at the time—am I spending time in His Word, am I spending time in prayer (not just doing all the talking—but listening too), am I looking for opportunities to live out my faith, to love others, to serve others?? And even when I do those things—I don’t always make all the right choices. So, do I give up and quit trying?? By no means, I press on, always striving to make the right choices, accepting God’s gift of grace every day so I can live a grace-filled life, so that I can have a life filled with “the fruit of my salvation” and live a life that “will bring much glory and praise to God.”

Father God, thank You for creating me and loving me so much that You sent Your Son, Jesus to save me. Lord, I want to always be filled with the fruit of my salvation. I want my life to overflow with good things that are produced by my life in Jesus. And, I want to bring You much glory and praise. Help me, Lord. I know that I cannot live this way on my own—only with Your help is it possible. Give me a heart after Your heart. Help me reflect You—and only You. Guide me in making the choices You would have me make. Strengthen me and give me wisdom. Again, thank You for Your great love and Your patience with me. I love You. In Jesus name I pray this, Amen.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Life Journal 10 June 2007
Preparation For the Battle
Topic: Spiritual Warfare

Be prepared. you're up against far more than you can handle on your own. Take all the help you can get, every weapon God has issued, so that when it's all over but the shouting you'll still be on your feet. Truth, righteousness, peace, faith, and salvation are more than words. Learn how to apply them. You'll need them throughout your life. God's Word is an indispensable weapon. In the same way, prayer is essential in this ongoing warfare. Pray hard and long.
Ephesians 6.13-18 (The Message)
We are in a daily battle and need to be prepared to fight. We don't need to do it on our own, God has provided the weapons and tools we need--we just need to use them.
I realize that I often don't ask God for help with the battles--or even bother to use the tools and weapons He has given me. He has given me everything I need to do battle--why am I so slow to depend on Him and use all that He has given me? Then when the battle begins to turn against me I wonder where He is. I need to prepare every morning, even before I crawl out of bed, for what might come that day--taking advantage of all that God has for me. I do not need to go into battle alone. I am not on my own--He is always with me.
Father God, May I remember to prepare myself for battle before I go every morning and not try to do it on my own. Thank you that you have given me the armor I need for battle: the belt of truth and the body armor of God's righteousness. For shoes, may I put on the peace that comes from the Good news. Set on my head the helmet of salvation, as I take up the shield of faith to stop the fiery arrows that Satan aims at me, and remind me to pick up my sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. And may I remeber to pray at all times--staying alert and persistent in my prayers. Thank you that I do not battle on my own. Thank you for taking care of me, loving me, and protecting me. Thank you Father. Amen.