Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Life Journal April 30, 2008
Today's readings: 2 Samuel 6; 1 Chronicles 13; Psalm 68; Matthew 17

Mustard Seed Sized Faith

Afterward the disciples asked Jesus privately, "Why couldn't we cast out that demon?"

"You don't have enough faith," Jesus told them. "I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard see, you could say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it would move. Nothing would be impossible."
Matthew 17.19-21

With faith in God, there is no limit to what can be accomplished for the Kingdom.

Application (How will I be different today because of what I have just read?)
Mountain-moving faith is the size of a mustard seed--which is very very small.

The disciples had cast out demons before. . . and healed people. What was different this time? Was their faith lacking this time?

These are verses that cause me to wrestle with God's Word. I ask myself (and God) . . . does our faith fluctuate that much from day to day? What does mustard seed-sized faith look like? I have faith, yet . . . prayers go unanswered. . . so is my faith that puny?

I'm not sure what the answer is . . . but, I know that my faith in God is what sustains me, gives me life and hope. These verses remind me that my faith has lots of room for growth. And growing my faith can be hard work--it often means trials and tests and refining. But, it grows me into the person God has called me to be . . . it grows my faith.

So today, I will embrace the opportunities to grow my faith and be open to what God has for me. If "nothing is impossible" for God--then growing my faith isn't impossible!

Lord God, as I read Your Word and wrestle with it, I am taken with the fact that believing and not understanding what You mean requires faith on my part. While I don't understand these verses, I have faith that You will lead me into the understanding I need to have . . . as I need it. I trust that You will give me the faith I need as I need it. Today, I don't have any mountains to move (or maybe I do) . . . and I can trust that You will give me the faith I need--even mustard seed-sized faith--to accomplish anything that You call me to do . Thank You for Your truth.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Life Journal April 29, 2008
Today's readings: 2 Samuel 4,5; Psalm 139; Matthew 16

He Knows All About Me

O Lord, you have examined my heart
and know everything about me.
You know when I sit down or stand up.
You know my thoughts even when I'm far away.
You see me when I travel
and when I rest at home.
You know everything I do.
You know what I am going to say
even before I say it, Lord.
You go before me and follow me.
You place your hand of blessing on my head.
Such knowledge is too wonderful for me,
too great for me to understand!

I can never escape from your Spirit!
I can never get away from yor presence!
If go up to heaven, you are there;
if I go down to the grave, you are there.
If I ride the wings of the morning,
if I dwell by the farthest oceans,
even there your hand will guide me
and your strength will support me.
I could ask the darkness to hide me
and the light around me to become night--
but even in darkness I cannot hide from you.
To you the night shines as bright as day.
Darkness and light are the same to you.

You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body
and knit me together in my mother's womb.
Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex!
Your workmanship is marvelous--how well I know it.
You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion,
as I was woven together int the dark of the womb.
You saw me before I was born.
Every day of my life was recorded in your book.
Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.

How precious are your thoughts about me, O God.
They cannot be numbered!
I can't even count them;
they outnumber the grains of sand!
And when I wake up,
you are still with me!

O God, if only you would destroy the wicked!
Get out of my life, you murderers!
They blaspheme you;
your enemies misuse your name.
O Lord, shouldn't I hate those who hate you?
Shouldn't I despise those who oppose you?
Yes, I hate them with total hatred,
for your enemies are my enemies.

Search me, O God, and know my heart;
test me and know my anxious thoughts.
Point out anything in me that offends you,
and lead me along the path of everlasting life.
Psalm 139

God, my Creator, knows me--inside and out.

Application (How will I be different today because of what I have just read?)
I love this Psalm. It reminds me that not only did God create me, He is with me. . . .always . . . . no matter what. He knows my every thought. . . .and still loves me. Sometimes I just need to be reminded.

So, how will I be different today because of this Psalm? How will it impact my walk with God? I can walk with confidence that He is with me. I can enter into this day and all it brings knowing that He already knows what the day has in store for me--I may be surprised or taken back--but God isn't. And I can go into this day remembering that You are at work in me.

Thank You, Heavenly Father, for this reminder that Your child -- me -- is important to You. When I look at how big the world is, how many people there are, it is easy to think that You could forget me--or not even know me . . . but You do. You created me. You love me. You are always with me. You know all about me. You know what my day holds. YOU KNOW ME! That thought is overwhelming . . . that You--Creator of everything--knows me and loves me! Thank You Father for this love letter today.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Life Journal April 28, 2008
Today's readings: 2 Samuel 3; 1 Chronicals 12; Matthew 15

Where Is My Heart?

Some Pharisees and teachers of religious law now arrived from Jerusalem to see Jesus. They asked him, "Why do your disciples disobey our age-old tradition? For they ignore our tradition of ceremonial hand washing before they eat."

Jesus replied, "And why do you, by your traditions, violate the direct commandments of God? For instance, God says, 'Honor your father and mother,' and 'Anyone who speaks disrespectfully of father or mother must be put to death.' But you say it is all right for people to say to their parents, 'Sorry, I can't help you. For I have vowed to give to God what I would have given to you.' In this way, you say they don't need to honor their parents. And so you cancel the word of God for the sake of your own tradition. You hypocrites! Isaiah was right when he prophesied about you, for he wrote,

"These people honor me with their lips,
but their hearts are far from me.
Their worship is a farce,
for they teach man-made ideas as
commands from God."
Matthew 15.1-9

We tend to pick and choose which of God's commandments serve our purposes and obey them when convenient--and often choose to make religious traditions [those things that are not part of the law, but "we have always done it that way"] even more important than God's Word and commandments.

Application (How will I be different today because of what I have just read?)
It is easy for me to begin pointing my finger at others when I read this . . . I know lots of folks that fit this. But, reality is, it fits me too--whether I like to admit it or not.

So today, I have to stop and ask myself some hard questions--What is this saying to me?? And, how will I be different because I recognize myself in it??

It's much easier to point my finger at others rather than make myself face the truth about myself.

What traditions do I put before God's commands? Those that make me happy. Those that I like and make my life easier than obeying God's commands would.

In what ways do I honor God with my lips, but my heart [those words I speak from my heart] dishonors Him? Whenever I gossip about a brother or sister in Christ. Whenever I say hurtful words to others that are not bathed in God's love. When I use God's Word to make a personal point.

How is my worship a farce--therefore dishonoring to God? When I focus on anything other than God. When my worship is centered on what I want and not on what God wants. When I am more concerned about pleasing others (or myself) with my worship--then I am about pleasing God.

What man-made ideas do I teach as commands from God? Whenever I try to make God's Word fit my teaching rather than my teaching fit God's Word.

I have lots of work to do . . . I do not want to be a hypocrite. I want to be pleasing to God. May I take steps today to honor Him with my heart and lips, may my worship be to and for Him and Him alone and may all that I teach be from God's Words and commands.

Lord God, this is my prayer today--I want to be pleasing to You in all areas of my life. I know that I need to work on my attitude right now. . .it is not pleasing to You--it doesn not honor You. Forgive me for not having my heart in the right place and being self-centered. Lord, I want to be God-centered. May I bring honor to You in word and deed. May all that I do be worship--bringing You honor and glory. I pray for wisdom as I teach from Your Word. May I use it as You intended and not to my own advantage--or to make my point. Lord God, I need You to fill my life anew with Your Holy Spirit. Thank You for Your Word for me today--may I apply it and look to You for direction as I live it out.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Life Journal April 27, 2008
Today's Readings: 2 Samuel 2; 1 Chronicles 11; Psalms 142; Matthew 14

Keeping My Eyes On Jesus

Immediately after this [Jesus just fed the 5,000], Jesus insisted that his disciples get back into the boat and cross to the other side of the lake, while he sent the people home. After sending them home, he went up into the hills by himself to pray. Night fell while he was there alone.

Meanwhile, the disciples were in trouble far away from land, for a strong wind had risen, and they were fighting heavy waves. About three o'clock in the morning Jesus came toward them, walking on the water. When the disciples saw him walking on the water, they were terrified. In their fear, they cried out, "It's a ghost!"

But Jesus spoke to them at once. "Don't be afraid," he said. "Take courage. I am here!"

Then Peter called to him, "Lord, if it's really you, tell me to come to you, walking on the water."

"Yes, come," Jesus said.

Peter went over the side of the boat and walked on the water toward Jesus. But when he saw the strong wind and the waves, he was terrified and began to sink. "Save me, Lord!" he shouted.

Jesus immediately reached out and grabbed him. "You have so little faith," Jesus said. "Why did you doubt me?"

When they climbed back into the boat, the wind stopped. Then the disciples worshiped him. "You really are the Son of God!" they exclaimed.
Matthew 14.22-33

When we have made the choice to follow Jesus, we must keep our eyes on Him and not be distracted by what is going on around us.

Application (How will I be different today because of what I have just read?)
When we make the choice to follow Jesus, things can get rough all around us. We can feel very alone and scared. Then He comes to us--inviting us to take the next step--to trust Him and follow Him even more. I step out of the boat . . . I take a few steps . . . the storm around me continues to rage . . . it's not what I expected . . . I expected Him to make my way smooth and easy--afterall, I am stepping out in faith and following Him . . . I begin to look at the circumstances that surround me . . . I focus on the storm and become terrified . . . what was I thinking stepping out of the boat??? . . . it was safer there in the boat . . . I can't walk on water . . . I begin to sink and cry out to God, "Save me!" . . . I wonder where He is and how He could allow this to happen to me . . . Then, Jesus immediately reaches out and grabs me. . . "Why do you have so little faith?" He asks me . . . "Why did you doubt Me?" . . . But, Lord, didn't You see the storm? . . . Didn't You see that I was beginning to sink???? . . . Jesus asks, "Why did you take your eyes off Me and focus on the storm?" . . . He reminds me, "You get lost in the storms of life and all the chaos that rages around you, when You take your eyes off me. You lose your focus on what is truly important."

Jesus didn't ask Peter to step out of the boat and walk on the water . . . Peter asked Him if he could. Jesus said, "Yes!" To take that step of faith, Peter needed to keep His eyes on the prize--Jesus.

I ask Jesus to use me more and more . . . and then when He does and things get hard . . . I cry out--"Where are You Lord??" It happens when I take my eyes off Jesus and focus on my circumstances. If I don't keep my eyes on Him, I feel lost, broken, beaten up, and alone. If I want to walk with Jesus--on the water--I have to learn to trust Him always and keep my focus on Him and Him alone.

Lord God, it is so easy to focus on the storms that rages around me--instead of Jesus. Help me keep my focus as I walk . . . Help me to always look to Him and not the chaos around me. Lord, please forgive me when I doubt, please forgive me when my faith lags. Lord, continue to use me . . . and help me to remember to only look at You. Thank You for reminding me that my focus has been off of You and on my circumstances. Guide me back Lord. Keep me focused only on You!

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Life Journal April 26, 2008
Today's readings: 2 Samuel 1; Psalm 140; Matthew 13

Permeating My World

Jesus also used this illustration: "The Kingdom of Heaven is like the yeast a woman used in making bread. Even though she put only a little yeast in three measures of flour, it permeated every part of the dough."
Matthew 13.33

It doesn't take much Jesus in our lives to impact lots of people!

Application (How will I be different today because of what I have just read?)
What a great illustration of how we can make a huge impact on those around us if we live the life Jesus called us to. It only takes a little bit of yeast to permeate every part of the flour/dough--it only takes little ol' me to make a difference--to permeate--the world around me.

But, I have to be willing to get into the dough and be used. I can't sit on the sidelines and expect to make a difference. I can only permeate something if I am in it.

Today, may I look for ways to mix Jesus into the lives of all those I come in contact with.

Father God, use me today to permeate the world around me with Jesus. I want to make a difference in the name of Jesus. Open my eyes to the opportunities You put in front of me. Thank You for using me! Thank You for reminding me that it only takes a little to impact a much bigger portion!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Life Journal April 25, 2008
Today's readings: 1 Samuel 30, 31; 1 Chronicles 10; Matthew 12

My Strength Is In the Lord

David was now in great danger because all his men were very bitter about losing their sons and daughters, and they began to talk of stoning him. But David found strength in the Lord his God.
1 Samuel 30.6

No matter the circumstances, we can find all the strength we need in God.

Application (How will I be different today because of what I have just read?)
The Amalekites had raided the city that David and his men lived in--Ziklag. They had burned the town to the ground and had carried off the women and children and everyone else--but without killing anyone. David and his men arrive home to see everything gone or destroyed. Scripture tells us that "they wept until they could weep no more." [1 Samuel 30.4] The men were angry and sought to make David pay for what had happened to their families.

We aren't told how David found strength in the Lord--only that he does.

When things at us--and the world seems to be crumbling all around us--we need to, like David, turn to God for the strength that we need. I so often try to do it on my own--to be strong. And I crumble and fall apart. It is only in God that I have any strength at all. Why is that so hard for me to remember?

Whenever I have read how someone stood strong in their faith and died because of that, I have thought--I don't know if I could do that or not--I would hope I could--but could I??? What I fail to remember is that person isn't standing and dying in their own strength--but in God's strength. God will give us the strength we need--whatever we face--as long as we turn to Him for it.

Today, may I remember that my strength comes only from the Lord!

Lord God, I confess that so often I try to stand and do things in my own strength. . . and I fail miserably. For some reason, I find the need to look like I am strong, when in truth . . . I am very weak and helpless without You. Lord, help me to remember the true and only source of my strength--YOU! May I walk in my weakness so that Your power may be manifested in me. Lord God, fill me with Your strength, You wisdom, You compassion, Your love, Your mercy--so that there is no room left for me. Thank You, Father God, for taking such good care of me!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Life Journal April 24, 2008
Today's readings: 1 Samuel 28, 29; Psalm 109; Matthew 11

Not Alone

Then Jesus said, "Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light."
Matthew 11.28-30

Jesus does not ask us to walk alone as we do ministry--He is willing to carry the load for us.

Application (How will I be different today because of what I have just read?)
Yesterday we were told to pick up our cross and follow Jesus. [If you refuse to take up your cross and follow me, you are not worthy of being mine. Matthew 10.38] Today, He tells us that he does not expect--or want us to carry it alone. He wants to carry it for us--to share our burden.

He calls us to die to ourselves [If you cling to your life, you will lose it; but if you give up your life for me, you will find it. Matthew 10.39] so that we don't have to do life on our own--we will let Him in then. If we give Him complete control of our lives--then we no longer have to worry about what He calls us to do because He is the one doing it. The problem comes when we try to do it on our own. We say, "Okay God, here I am, I'll do whatever You want me to do." Then He tells us what to do and we try to do it--in our own strength. Then we begin whining, "Lord, why would You call me to do something so hard?? I can't do this. Don't You care??" And the whole time Jesus is trying to tell us--"I didn't ask you to do this on your own--Let Me do it through you."

We make it so much harder than God intends. If we try to carry our cross alone--then we think we can be seen as a "super hero" and we will get the credit. It is hard to allow Jesus to help when I have "done it on my own" for so long. What am I afraid of??

Today, I need to recognize that God is calling me to serve Him--but not alone. He wants to use me--doing it through me--not me doing it alone for Him. Doing it on my own won't work . . . I will make a mess of it and fall flat on my face. I have to let go and trust Him--no matter what things look like--I have to trust that God will bring about the outcome He wants when I put my life in His hands and allow Him to use me. I can't keep taking it back and trying to control it. If I truly mean that my life is His--then I have to do it with no strings attached. Whew! One step at a time--one day at a time--I can do it with His help.

Lord God, thank You for calling me to be Your servant. May I let go of my self-centeredness and allow You to work in me and through me. Lord, I confess that I sometimes have carried my cross and really played the role of the martyr--wanting credit for being such a good servant. Forgive me. I have acted like it do it all on my own--how pathetic. Lord, I know the truth--help me to walk in it--pointing to You--not myself. Help me to die to myself so I can truly live. Help me to pick up my cross and then give it over to You--for You have not called me to carry it on my own--and it points to me . . . not You . . . when I try to do it on my own. Forgive me for drawing attention to myself and not pointing only to You. Lord, today, I ask to walk in Your grace. Thank You Lord for loving me so much that You continue to teach me and lead me into Your truths.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Life Journal April 23, 2008
Today's readings: 1 Samuel 27; Psalm 141; 1 Chronicles 9; Matthew 10

Holding On

[Jesus speaking] "If you love your father or mother more than you love me, you are not worthy of being mine; or if you love your son or daughter more than me, you are not worthy of being mine. If you refuse to take up your cross and follow me, you are not worthy of being mine. If you cling to your life for me, you will find it."
Matthew 10.37-39

Following Jesus means giving your all.

Application (How will I be different today because of what I have just read?)
Loving Jesus more than anyone, or anything . . . more than life itself--that is what we are called to do. Yet, how willing are we to set aside what's important to us for Him? Whether it is people we love, things we love . . . or even a worship style--are we willing to set it all aside for Him? Are we willing to die to our own desires and live only for Him?

By looking at most of our lives, the answer would be 'no'. We can talk about it--even consider it some "pie in the sky" goal that we would like to attain someday, but are we really willing to pay the cost to do it today??

We are willing to do a little--just enough to get by and look good--but few are willing to really live a radical life for Jesus. . . the life we are called ot live. We aren't willing to give it all for Him--we want to hold on to at least some of what we see as important . . . afterall, isn't it enough to give just a portion?? NO! We are called to give up our lives for Him--all that we hold as important--all that we hold as near and dear--everything--our whole hearts . . .

The old hymn says, "All to Jesus, I surrender, All to Him I freely give . . . I surrender all." Not 10%, not 50%, not even 80%--but all of who we are and all of what we have.

Am I willing to do that today? Am I willing to trust God enough to say, "Here I am, Lord--my life, all of it, is Yours and Yours alone." ???

Today, I pray that I might be strong enough to take one more step closer to offering all of my life to Him.

Lord, I give something to You--then take it back. I give only pieces of my life to You--those pieces I don't need. Forgive me for holding back. It's hard Lord. It's scary to let go of it all. I feel like I am clinging to a rope--trying to let go--prying one finger loose at a time--when what I need to do is let go and trust that You are there to catch me. Help me. Lord, I want to fully give up my life for You--yet I continue to hold back. I pray, Lord God, that today I will put my trust in You and will come one step closer to being the person You are calling me to be--that I would die to myself so that I can be filled with You. Thank You for Your patience with me.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Life Journal April 22, 2008
Today's readings: 1 Samuel 25,26; Psalm 63; Matthew 9

He Came For Me

As Jesus was walking along, he saw a man named Matthew sitting at his tax collector's booth. "Follow me and be my disciple," Jesus said to him. So Matthew got up and followed him.

Later, Matthew invited Jesus and his disciples to his home as dinner guests, along with many tax collectors and other disreputable sinners. But when the Pharisees saw this, they asked his disciples, "Why does you teacher eat with such scum?"

When Jesus heard this, he said, "Healthy people don't need a doctor--sick people do." Then he added, "Now go and learn the meaning of this Scripture: 'I want you to show mercy, not offer sacrifices.' For I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners."
Matthew 9.9-13

Jesus came for me--a sinner.

Application (How will I be different today because of what I have just read?)
How sad it must make Jesus to see His people turned so inward--so self-focused. We sound like the Pharisees--those churched-folk--as we talk about "those" people. We try to separate ourselves from "those" people--those "sinners"--afraid we might be mistaken as one of "them."

I have been one of "those" people . . . and to be honest . . . have to really watch myself--that I don't become too good, too holy, too self-filled--and forget who I really am. We really don't like to remember--and yet, we must. I must remember what God did for me through His Son, Jesus. And, I must be willing to see others as Jesus sees them--as people, just like me, who need a Savior. I have to remember that I am a just a beggar who knows where to find bread--offering it to other beggars.

Today, as I go through my day, I pray that I see everyone through God's eyes. That I have compassion and show mercy. That I don't see others as "those" people, but instead reach out to each one and offer a drink of living water in Jesus name.

Lord God, thank You for the gift of grace that You offered to me. . . may I be faithful in offering it to those you send into my path. May I see others through Your eyes and heart. May I not judge others, for I do not have the right to judge anyone. Fill me with Your compassion and mercy. Continue to break my heart for the lost and the hurting. Thank You for loving me so much.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Life Journal April 21, 2008
Today's readings: 1 Samuel 24; Psalm 57, 58; 1 Chronicles 8; Matthew 8

Calming My Storms

Then Jesus got into the boat and started across the lake with his disciples. Suddenly, a fierce storm struck the lake, with waves breaking into the boat. But Jesus was sleeping. The disciples went and woke him up, shouting, "Lord, save us! We're going to drown!"

Jesus responded, "Why are you afraid? You have so little faith!" Then he got up and rebuked the wind and waves, and suddenly there was a great calm.

The disciples were amazed. "Who is this man?" they asked. "Even the winds and waves obey him!"
Matthew 8.23-27

Jesus can speak calm into any and all storms in our lives.

Application (How will I be different today because of what I have just read?)
When life rages around us, bringing chaos--Jesus waits for us to ask Him to help us. He is ready to speak calm into our lives--our situations.

In the midst of this storm, I hear the disciples really asking Jesus--"Don't you care about us?" How often do we ask Him the same question? "Where are you Lord? Don't you care? Why aren't you doing something?"

Jesus' response could be seen as harsh. But, I think He is saying--"Why are you afraid? I am right here. I haven't gone anywhere. Don't you trust me? All you have to do is ask! Don't you believe that I can and will take care of you no matter the storm?"

We really aren't any different than the disciples. We stand in the middle of our storms and yell and scream, asking God, "where are You?" Rather than asking for His help. And once we finally do ask Him--and He calms our storm--we are amazed, just as the disciples were. They asked Him for His help--He calms the storm--and they are amazed--surprised by it. Just as we are.

Today, I will trust You with the storms in my life that rage all around me. Today, Lord, I ask and expect You to speak calm into Your servant and into the situation. Today, once again, I will be amazed at Your great works and Your salvation.

Thank You Father for speaking peace into life's storms. You know the storms that rage around me--I ask You to speak peace into my life . . . and, if it be Your will, into the storms. I know You are with me. I know that I can trust You. In You alone do I place my faith. Help me to keep my eyes on You. Thank You for Your care, for Your peace, for Your presence in my life.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Life Journal April 20, 2008
Today's readings: 1 Samuel 23; Psalm 31, 54; Matthew 7

Judging Others

[Jesus speaking] "Do not judge others, and you will not be judged. For you will be treated as you treat others. The standard you use in judging is the standard by which you will be judged.

"And why worry about a speck in your friend's eye when you have a log in your own? How can you think of saying to your friend, 'Let me help you get rid of that speck in your eye,' when you can't see past the log in your own eye? Hypocrite! First get rid of the log in your own eye; then you will see well enough to deal with the speck in your friend's eye."
Matthew 7.1-5

We are not in a position to judge others.

Application (How will I be different today because of what I have just read?)
How often do I judge others?? I would like to think that I don't do that--but in truth, I do it all the time--I judge them by their actions, their words, their dress, their attitude, . . . what I think I know about them. And what is really sad is the fact that I judge them by my standards--not Gods. I may claim it is by God's standards--but it's not.

I need to become more aware of what I am doing/thinking/saying when it comes to others. I need to worry about my own life rather than point my finger at someone else. What makes me think I have the right to judge anyone?

Today, I will be intentional about working on removing the plank in my own eye. Today, I will be intentional about not judging others . . . . and when I catch myself doing it, I will stop. Today, I will see people through God's eyes--not my own. Today, I will not build myself up by tearing others down.

Father God, I confess that I judge others. Help me to not do that. Help me to see them through Your eyes. Help me to worry about myself--that is enough for me to handle. Forgive me Father for my unkind thoughts, words, and actions that have come from my judging. I am in no position to judge anyone. . . . only You can judge. May I leave it to You--and You alone--today.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Life Journal April 19, 2008
Today's readings: 1 Samuel 22; Psalm 17, 35; Matthew 6

Forgive Others

[Jesus speaking] "If you forgive those who sin against you, your heavenly Father will forgive you. But if you refuse to forgive others, your Father will not forgive your sins."
Matthew 6.15

Not forgiving others is really not an option.

Application (How will I be different today because of what I have just read?)
There is a healing and a freedom that comes in forgiving others. If we choose to not forgive--it turns to bitterness and begins to eat away at us, soon over-powering us and consuming us.

Forgiving someone does not mean that I am saying what they have done is okay--just as when God forgives me He isn't saying that what I did was okay. But, it does mean letting go and trusting the person--or the event--to God.

I think I sometimes hold on to unforgiveness as a martyr--wearing the "sin" committed against me as a badge almost. 'Look what they did to me--at what they said to me.' Their "sin" causes me to sin when I do that. That is why it is so important for me to forgive quickly and then LET IT GO. Holding on to it really isn't forgiveness. It continues to tie me up.

There are some that I need to forgive. There are some that I need to ask forgiveness from. It gets heavy when I try to carry it all around. God wants to take it--to lighten my load--so I can focus on what is really important--Him!

Today I will begin the process of forgiving. Today I will begin asking for forgiveness. And then I will let it go. . . and in doing so I will be able to walk in the freedom that God has for me.

Father God, please help me as I walk this path of forgiveness. Help me to forgive others and let go. Help me to ask for forgiveness and let go. And Lord, please forgive me for holding on to so much--I thank You for the life and freedom that comes from You.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Life Journal April 18, 2008
Today's readings: 1 Samuel 20-21; Psalm 34; Matthew 5
Love Who?
[Jesus speaking] "You have heard the law that says, 'Love your neighbor' and hate your enemy. But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you! In that way, you will be acting as true children of your Father in heaven. For he gives his sunlight to both the evil and the good, and he sends rain on the just and the unjust alike. If you love only those who love you, what reward is there for that? Even corrupt tax collectors do that much. If you are kind only to your friends, how are you different from anyone else? Even pagans do that. But you are to be perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect."
Matthew 5.43-48
Jesus turns things upside down--calling us to live a supernatural life--to love those who hate us and to be kind to everyone.
Application (How will I be different today because of what I have just read?)
It seems impossible to do what Jesus calls us to do--love my enemies (not just in words--but to actively love them)--pray for those who persecute me (asking God to bless them and for the opportunity to be a blessing to them)--be kind to everyone (not just on the surface, but getting involved). All impossible in my humanness--but possible if I allow God to work in my life, if I allow the Holy Spirit to change my heart. If I were able to do it on my own, it wouldn't mean much--but because it takes God actively at work in my life--it points to Him and not me.
God calls us to live supernatural lives so that those around us can experience Him. It is not a matter of me doing these acts of love on my own--it is a matter of allowing God to come into my life so completely that He does them--He loves through me--He blesses others through me--He shows me how to be kind to everyone.
Once again, it means dying to myself and living in Him. Lord God, may Your love and power dwell in me and through me!
Father God, I cannot do these things on my own. But, with You in control of my life--we can. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit. May Your love pour out from me. May I shine brightly for You and touch the lives of all You bring into my life--for you. To You, and You alone, belongs all glory, honor and praise. Hallelujah!!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Life Journal April 17, 2008
Today's readings: 1 Samuel 19; 1 Chronicles 7; Psalm 59; Matthew 4

Come, Follow Me

One day as Jesus was walking along the shore of the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers--Simon, also called Peter, and Andrew--throwing a net into the water, for they fished for a living. Jesus called out to them, "Come, follow me, and I will show you how to fish for people!" And they left their nets at once and followed him.

A little farther up the shore he saw two other brothers, James and John, sitting in a boat with their father, Zebedee, repairing their nets. And he called them to come, too. They immediately followed him, leaving the boat and their father behind.
Matthew 4.18-22

Jesus called and these two sets of brothers responded without a second thought.

Application (How will I be different today because of what I have just read?)
Peter and Andrew, James and John--all four walked away from their jobs. And, not after giving it some thought or talking with others--they responded "at once" and "immediately." No hesitation. They didn't have a clue what he was asking of them--for how long--what it would entail--where they would be going. They got up and followed him.

How often has Jesus asked me to follow him and I have said, "sure as soon as I do . . . . ." There is always so much to do . . . . and we ask Jesus to wait. Think of the opportunities I have missed because I haven't responded immediately.

Today, when Jesus calls to me, may I respond immediately--not worrying about what I am leaving behind or what I may still need to do--but instead focusing on the call of my Savior to "Come, follow me."

Lord, today I am listening for Your voice. May I respond when You call me--right then . . . not waiting until it is convenient for me. Lord, help me to hear Your voice above all the noise and demands around me. Thank You for loving me and patiently waiting for me.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Life Journal April 16, 2008
Today's readings: 1 Samuel 18; 1 Chronicles 6; Psalm 11; Matthew 3

What Am I Producing?

[John the Baptist speaking to the Pharisees and Sadducees who had come to watch him baptize] "Prove by the way you live that you have repented of your sins and turned to God. . . .Yes, every tree that does not produce good fruit will be chopped down and thrown into the fire."

Our lives are the living proof of our relationship (or lack of) with God.

Application (How will I be different today because of what I have just read?)
Does my life demonstrate my faith? What areas do I need to work on? (Confess, repent, and turn to God)

Talking about my faith means little if I don't live it out. People tend to believe what they see more than what they hear. Does my life bear fruit? Am I different?

Today may I be more conscious about my walk matching my talk. May I not look and act like the rest of the world. Today may I remember the price that Christ paid for me and may I be transformed because of it.

Lord God, it is one thing for me to claim to be a believer--it is another for me to live it out. Lord, may I live it out today in such a way that it points to You and only You. May I be fruit-bearing today. Open my eyes to those areas of sin that I need to confess, repent, and give to you. May my witness grow stronger and stronger as my faith and walk grow. Thank You.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Life Journal April 15, 2008
Today's readings: 1 Samuel 17; Psalm 9; Matthew 2

Facing Our Giants

[David to Goliath] ". . . .and the whole world will know that there is a God in Israel! And everyone assembled here will know that the Lord rescues his people, but not with sword and spear. This is the Lord's battle, and he will give you to us!"
1 Samuel 17.46b-47

David, who was just a boy, trusted in God's power to defeat the giant.

Application (How will I be different today because of what I have just read?)
The well-known story of David, a young boy, and Goliath, a 9 foot tall seasoned Philistine warrior. Golaith is taunting a whole army of Israelites, telling them that they need to just send one person to fight him--if they win the Philistines will be their slaves . . . . but, if Goliath wins, the Israelites will be their slaves. The whole Israelite army is scared to death. Then along comes David. A young boy who believes that God will protect him and win the battle for him. He faces Goliath with no more than 5 smooth stones and a slingshot. His first shot hits Goliath in the forehead and down he goes. David rushes to him, takes Goliath's sword and kills him--then cuts off his head.

David trusted God. He had no doubts that God would take care of him and that he would succeed. Saul, the king, had offered David his armor--but David didn't use it. He told Saul, "The Lord who rescued me from the claws of the lion and the bear will rescue me from this Philistine!" [vs.37]

Do I expect God to rescue me? Do I look to Him for the battles in my life? Why do I so often feel that I must fight the battles by myself? What do I think I need to prove? I go and fight by myself--thinking I have something to prove--and return scarred and beaten up. . . .and then cry out to God--where were You?? When in truth, I had not asked Him to fight the battle for me--or even help me.

Today, I will remember that first of all I need to make sure it is a battle that God wants me to fight. Then I will trust Him with the battle--carrying out whatever role He would call me to. I will remember that I can trust God with the battles in my life. . . and the only way I can ever win is when I ask Him to fight for me.

God, You know the battles in my life. I would pray for the courage and faith to fight and defeat the giants in my life. Thank You for rescuing me.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Life Journal April 14, 2008
Today's readings: 1 Samuel 15-16; 1 Chronicles 5; Matthew 1

Obedience Not Sacrifice

But Samuel replied, "What is more pleasing to the Lord; your burnt offerings and sacrifices, or your obedience to his voice? Listen! Obedience is better than sacrifice, and submission is better than offering the fat of rams. . . ."

1 Samuel 15.22

God wants our obedience more than anything else.

Application (How will I be different today because of what I have just read?)
It is much easier to offer our sacrifices--our works--to God than to be obedient. We can find a thousand excuses for our disobedience (even claiming to be thinking of God and doing it for Him) and then we work hard hoping he won't notice. Or, we think maybe we can do something (like offering more sacrifices) to make up for it.

But, God wants us to listen to Him and to be obedient. Nothing else counts--nothing else matters. Our obedience to God demonstrates our love and commitment to Him and Him alone.

If we claim to be His--then we must act like it! Our actions speak louder than our words!

Lord, may I be obedient in all that You ask of me--no matter how difficult it may be. When You look into my heart--may it please You.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Life Journal April 13, 2008
Today's readings: 1 Samuel 14; 1 Chronicles 4; 2 Corinthians 13

Final Instructions

Dear brothers and sisters, I close my letter with these last words: Be joyful. Grow to maturity. Encourage each other. Live in harmony and peace. Then the God of love and peace will be with you. Greet each other with Christian love.
2 Corinthians 13.11-12

Paul's letter to the believers in Corinth deals with disciplining the church. The final words are the ones that they will remember the easiest--so he gives them words of encouragement. Just as they served as encouragement to the believers then they can to us also. [Just as the first part of his letter can serve to speak to us and areas we need to grow in.]

Application (How will I be different today because of what I have just read?)
Paul's closing words--his final greetings--are words of encouragement. If we live in this manner--there won't be all the problems that he addressed in the rest of his letter. Sounds easy enough . . . yet . . .

Living the life that we have been called to live is not by chance--it is by choice. Jesus laid out the what and how we should live. It is then our choice if we live it--and how fully we live it.

We can choose to be joyful. We can choose to do the hard work of growing to maturity. We can be encouragers--rather than always looking for ways to put others down or tearing them down. We can choose to live in harmony and peace. And if we make these choices, the pay-off is that then "the God of love and peace will be with us."

So, why do we choose to live otherwise? Why do we choose to live without His joy?? Who would want to?? Yet our churches are filled with joy-less people. Why do we not grow to maturity? Because we are not willing to "give-up" the things of the world . . . we want what we want. Our tongues are not used to encourage one another--we tear each other apart--ripping and biting and destroying with our words. And live in harmony and peace--only if you do things my way.

So, how will I be different/changed today?? I will strive to intentionally choose to be joyful, to grow, to be an encourager and to live in harmony and peace with others. Today I will choose to share Christ's love with others.

Heavenly Father, how Your heart must break when we choose to act in such a way that is not God honoring. I ask Your forgiveness for those times I live for myself and not for You. I ask for forgiveness for those times that I do not choose to be joy-filled, or am willing to grow in Your ways. May the words from my mouth be those of encouragement--of building up--not tearing down. May I strive to live in peace and harmony with others. It's not easy Lord, when they don't want to. But Lord, I know that their choices don't have to be mine and that I can choose to live differently. Lord, I also realize I cannot do any of it without YOU and Your strength and wisdom. Thank You for not giving me direction and then leaving me--thank You that you walk every step of the way with me. And Father, thank You for loving me so much that You never, ever give up on me.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Life Journal April 12, 2008
Today's readings: 1Samuel 13; 1 Chronicles 2,3; 2 Corinthians 12
[Paul speaking] So to keep me from becoming proud, I was given a thorn in my flesh, a messenger from Satan to torment me and keep me from becoming proud.
Three different times I begged the Lord to take it away. Each time he said, "My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness." So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me. That's why I take pleasure in my weaknesses, and in the insults, hardships, persecutions, and troubles that I suffer for Christ. For when I am weak, then I am strong.
2 Corinthians 12.7b-10
It is in our weaknesses that God's strength can shine through.
Application (How will I be different today because of what I have just read?)
I don't like to be thought of as weak--I know that I am, but I don't like it to show. I want others to see me as strong--able to leap tall buildings in a single bound . . . a regular superwoman. I don't do it well.
The world tells us we can't let our weakness show because people prey on the weak. I feel the need to prove to others that I can do it all. I perceive that this is their expectation of me. Wonder woman!
And, I don't like insults, hardships, persecutions and troubles. I don't. And I don't know that God really shines through me then. . . . . . . maybe that's because I don't let Him . . . . maybe I am so filled with myself--feeling sorry for myself-- that there is no room for Him to shine. Ouch.
So today, I need to trust Him. When the hard things come at me I need to let Him fill me--I need not fight my weaknesses or try to hide them, but let Him use them so others can see Him at work in me. It is not about me--I need to continue to tell myself that. I need to allow Him to work in me and through me. I need to die to myself so He can have full reign of my life. It is not about me--but about HIM!
So today, I will boast about my weaknesses so that the power of Christ can work through me!
Lord, I need Your help in this area of my life. I feel vulnerable when I allow my weaknesses to show--and that's a scary place to be. Lord, I need to trust You more and more. Help me to walk in Your ways. May I remember today . . . and everyday . . . that YOUR grace is all I need. That YOUR power works best in weakness. I cannot do this alone. WIthout You I am nothing. I feel very weak today, so come with Your power into my life and fill me. Thank You for never giving up on me!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Life Journal April 11, 2008
Today's readings: 1 Samuel 11,12; 1 Chronicles 1; 2 Corinthians 11

Not So Different

Now if you will fear and worship the Lord and listen to his voice, and if you do not rebel against the Lord's commands, and if you and your king follow the Lord your God, then all will be well. But if you rebel against the Lord's commands and refuse to listen to him, then his hand will be as heavy upon you as it was upon your ancestors.
1 Samuel 12.14-15

When we do not listen to God and obey him there are consequences.

Application (How will I be different today because of what I have just read?)
In all these years, things really haven't changed that much. We still rebel against God and His commands. We still do not make Him first--in anything, let alone our lives. We follow God when it is convenient or when it serves us. We want things our way.

God did everything He could to make it easy for us. We now only have two commandments: [Jesus speaking] "You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. A second is equally important: Love your neighbor as yourself. The entire law and all the demands of the prophets are based on these two commandments." [Matthew 22.37-40]

He sent His one and only Son to pay the price for our sin--all we have to do is accept His gift of grace. [John 3.16-17]

So why do we not listen and obey Him? Why are we so self-centered, often not even trying to become more and more like Jesus? How we must break His heart.

No, in all these thousands of years we have not changed. Today, may I listen to His voice and choose to obey Him--no matter the cost.

Father, it is easy for me to think of all the different ones that don't listen and obey--trying to not see this sin in myself. But Lord, I am just as guilty. I don't like to admit that, but it is true. Lord God, may I slow down and focus on YOU--may I listen to YOU and obey YOU. Help me shut out all the voices that want to tell me what I need to do and how I need to do it. May I hear only You. May I serve only You. May I obey only You. I cannot do it alone God--I need You! May I faithfully serve You today.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Life Journal April 10, 2008
Today's readings: 1 Samuel 8-10; 2 Corinthians 10

Growing Beyond Ourselves

"We hope that your faith will grow so that the boundaries of our work among you will be extended."

2 Corinthians 10.15b

We must move from our self-centeredness--growing in our faith so we can reach others for Jesus.

Application (How will I be different today because of what I have just read?)
Stuck. Self-centered. It's all about me. We tend to like to not grow too much in our faith--we are afraid more will be required of us and we won't get our needs met. Our main concern--ourselves. If others decide to join us--and do things our way--we are good with it. But, we are not willing to go outside of our comfort zone, to move past what we like to reach others for Jesus.

I will continue to point others to Jesus, challenging them to grow their faith--to move beyond themselves. Not a popular thing to do, but if we are going to reach and change the world for Jesus we have to start with ourselves.

Lord, how do I help others grow their faith and move beyond themselves? How do I help them catch the vision of reaching others for You? Lord, I pray for wisdom. I pray for changed hearts. I pray for patience. I pray that hearts will be broken for the lost. Work in us and through us this day!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Life Journal April 9, 2008
Today's readings: 1 Samuel 6,7; Psalm 72; 2 Corinthians 9


Remember this--a farmer who plants only a few seeds will get a small crop. But the one who plants generously will get a generous crop. You must each decide in your heart how much to give. And don't give reluctantly or in response to pressure. "For God loves a person who gives cheerfully." And God will generously provide all you need. Then you will always have everything you need and plenty left over to share with others. . . . For God is the one who provides seed for the farmer and then bread to eat. In the same way, he will provide and increase your resources and then produce a great harvest of generosity in you. . . . So two good things will result from this ministry of giving--the needs of the believers in Jerusalem will be met, and they will joyfully express their thanks to God.

As a result of your ministry, they will give glory to God. For your generosity to them and to all believers will prove that you are obedient to the Good News of Christ. And they will pray for you with deep affection because of the overflowing grace God has given to you. Thank God for this gift--his gift--too wonderful for words!
2 Corinthians 9.6-8,10, 12-15

You cannot out give God.

Application (How will I be different today because of what I have just read?)
It amazes me how stingy I can be with what God gives me--as if I am afraid I won't have "enough." And I am so rich in so many ways. The more we have the more we want. God gives me abundant life--and in turn I pass on the opposite. I judge who is worthy of helping. I judge who is worthy of my time. Based on what??? Too often, what's in it for me.

I love to give . . . . out of my abundance. But, I have second thoughts if it is going to "cost" me something. What will I have to give up--or do without?? How very sad . . . . for me when I think this way.

Psalm 50.10 reminds me, "For all the animals of the forest are mine, and I own the cattle on a thousand hills." It's all God's. What He gives to me is given to be used in a way that points to Him, helps others, and furthers the Gospel. It is not given with the idea that I hoard it--that I give it as I see fit--that I lord it over others. It is given to me so I can share it with one and all. God will judge me with how faithful I am with what He gives me and He will judge those that I share with based on what they do with it.

Today, may I remember that it ALL belongs to God. May I think of others and their needs before my own. May I listen to God's still small voice and respond when He encourages me to share. May I live the abundant life that He has given me and share that abundance with others. And as I am faithful to live out the life that He calls me to live, may He receive all thanks, all glory, and all honor.

How blessed I am Father. You provide for all my needs. Forgive me for not being satisfied, for wanting more and more. Forgive me for not being blind to the needs of others--unless it suits me otherwise. Lord, I want to live and walk in the abundant life and share that life with others. Thank You for all You do and give to me. I am blessed. May I never take it for granted. May all that I do and say point to You and the ultimate gift that You offer to each of us--life through Your Son, Christ Jesus. Thank You. You alone are worthy of honor and glory. May all that I do point to You as I share Your generous gifts with others.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Life Journal April 4, 2008
Today's Readings Judges 19-21; 2 Corinthians 4

God Never Abandons

We are pressed on every side by troubles, but we are not crushed and broken. We are perplexed, but we don't give up and quit. We are hunted down, but God never abandons us. We get knocked down, but we get up again and keep going.
2 Corinthians 4.8-9

Because we have God in our lives, we are able to persevere through anything that comes at us.

Application (How will I be different today because of what I have just read?)
Why do I fall so easily to the tricks of the evil one--believing that I am beaten????? No matter how things look around me, I must keep my eyes on Christ and put my full trust in God. He will NOT abandon me--no matter what it "feels" like. I KNOW THE TRUTH. And while the circumstances around me might look impossible--while I might feel beat up or lost--I AM NOT BEATEN! I cannot quit--I cannot give up--I must continue to get up and keep going . . . . not through my own strength--but through the power I have in Christ Jesus. I have been called to be faithful. Success looks different in God's eyes than in the eyes of the world. May I keep my eyes upon Jesus, the author and perfector of my faith.

Father, I cannot stand without You. I depend on You and Your strength in my life. My trust is in You--You who made the heavens and earth. I trust You because I know how much You love me. I will no longer keep my eyes on the circumstances that surround me--but I will run the race, keeping my eyes focused on the prize--eternal life with You. I cannot be beaten down. I cannot be broken. I cannot be crushed. I will not give up. I do not run the race alone--YOU are with me--You will NEVER abandon me. Thank You Father for Your promises!!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Life Journal April 3, 2008
Today's readings: Judges 17, 18; Psalm 89; 2 Corinthians 3

God Reflector

But whenever anyone turns to the Lord, then the veil is taken away. Now, the Lord is the Spirit, and wherever the Spirit of the Lord is, he gives freedom. And all of us have had that veil removed so that we can be mirrors that brightly reflect the glory of the Lord. And as the Spirit of the Lord works within us, we become more and more like him and reflect his glory even more.
2 Corinthians 3.16-18 (NLT)

When God's Spirit lives in us, we reflect Him.

Application (How will I be different today because of what I have just read?"
The freedom that we receive from the Lord is freedom--not to do whatever we please--but, from leading lives filled with sin. When Christ died and the veil in the Temple was torn from top to bottom [And suddenly, the curtain in the sanctuary of the Temple was torn down the middle. Luke 23.45] . . .and our veil was removed. We can now reflect the glory of hte Lord--not because we are good enough, but because the Spirit of the Lord lives in us. And as we die more to ourselves and our sin-filled nature--we become more and more like Him--reflecting His glory more and more!

What is in my life, today, that is keeping me from reflecting His glory?

Thank You Lord for the freedom I receive because of the gift of life You have given me through Your Son, Jesus. Come, Holy Spirit, dwell in me so I can reflect You more and more. Shine light on those areas in my life that I have allowed to be veiled--tear away the veil and shine Your Holy Light on them.