Sunday, September 30, 2007

Life Journal September 30, 2007 (Where did September go?)
Today's readings: Zechariah 7-9; Luke 13

Bearing Fruit


"Then Jesus used this illustration: 'A man planted a fig tree in his garden and came again and again to see if there was any fruit on it, but he was always disappointed. Finally, he said to his gardener, 'I've waited three years, and there hasn't been a single fig! Cut it down. It's taking up space we can use for something else.'

"The gardener answered, 'Give it one more chance. Leave it another year, and I'll give it special attention and plenty of fertilizer. If we get figs next year, fine. If not, you can cut it down.'"

Luke 13.6-9

If we are who we say we are--there should be some evidence of it.

Application (How will I be different today because of what I just read?)
A fig tree should produce figs. A Christian should produce fruit (and not sour fruit! [smile]). How long should we expect to wait to see some fruit in our lives--and in the lives of others. If they truly are who they claim to be--how can it not show?

It is easy for me to look at the lives of others and judge them by the fruit I see--or the lack thereof. What about my life? How much fruit am I bearing? Is it good, juicy, sweet, fragrant fruit? Do I offer my fruit to others--freely? (Taste and see that the Lord is good.) Am I bearing only a little fruit--just enough to get by? Or are my branches full of ripe fruit? How much fruit do others see me bear--not because I should--but because I can't help myself--it is what I do naturally.

Lord, I stop today and examine my own life--how much fruit am I bearing? It is easy for me to look at others and judge--but where I need to look is my own life. Am I bearing the fruit You want me to bear? Lord, give me another chance. Leave me another year, pay special attention to me, fertilize me. I want to bear fruit for You--I want my branches filled to overflowing with You. Also, may I give special attention to the fruit trees You have given me to tend. Give me the fertilizer You want me to use. Lord, may their roots go down deeply and feed from Your living water. May they produce an abundant harvest in Your name. Amen

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Life Journal September 29, 2007
Today's Readings: Zechariah 4-6; Luke 12

Never Enough
[Jesus speaking] "So I tell you, don't worry about everyday life--whether you have enough food to eat or clothes to wear. For life consists of far more than food and clothing. Look at the ravens. They don't need to plan or harvest or put food in barns because God feeds them. And you are far more valuable to him than any birds! Can all your worries add a single moment to your life? Of course not! And if worry can't do little things like that, what's the use of worrying over bigger things?
"Look at the lilies and how they grow. They don't work or make their clothing, yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are. And if God cares so wonderfully for flowers that are here today and gone tomrrow, won't he more surely care for you? You have so little faith! And don't worry about food--what to eat and drink. Don't worry whether God will provide it for you. These things dominate the thoughts of most people, but your Father already knows your needs. He will give you all you need from day to day if you make the Kingdom of God your primary concern.
"So don't be afraid, little flock. For it gives your Father great happiness to give you the Kingdom.
"Sell what you have and give to those in need. This will store up treasure for you in heaven! And the purses of heaven have no holes in them. Your treasure will be safe--no thief can steal it and no moth can destroy it. Wherever your tresure is there your heart and thoughts will also be."
Luke 12.22-34
God will take care of our every need--if I let go of all that I am holding so tightly to.
Application (How will I be different today because of what I just read?)
I like to think that I am not caught up in the material world--then I look around at all that I have and how I still shop for more! Ouch! Why do I fall for what the world tells me--more is better--the poor wouldn't be poor if they'd just go out and get a job--spend, spend, spend--you cannot be fulfilled if you don't own ______________--on and on the list goes.
I work at simplifying. I get rid of things (giving the things I don't want to the poor--how thoughtful??!!). Then slowly I start buying more again. The enemy has me believing that I "deserve" the latest and the greatest. And once again, I begin accumulating more "stuff."
When does it end? What can stop the craziness. Jesus tells us, "He will give you all you need from day to day if you make the Kingdom of God your primary concern." (vs 31) If I put God first. Hmmm.
Then He goes on with what will help us do that: "Sell what you have and give to those in need." (vs 33) Think how different the world would be if I truly lived this out. Then my heart and thoughts could truly focus on my true treasure--God.
Lord God, my heart and my treasure belongs to You. Only You can satisfy. I want to be different. I want to live different. I don't want to fall prey to the enemies lies any longer . . . . that I need, need, need . . . . to be happy. All I need is You. But, that is so contrary to the world. Lord, make Your voice louder than that of the enemy. Help me to hear You . . . . and only You. Help me to put all my trust in You for all my needs. Help me to be willing to live simply. Help me to see that less truly is more. Thank You for Your Word and Your promises. It is amazing to be loved by You! Amen.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Life Journal September 27, 2007
Today's readings: Haggai 1,2; Psalm 129; Luke 10

What Truly Satisfies


So the Lord sent this message to the prophet Haggai: "Why are you living in luxurious houses while my house lies in ruins? This is what the Lord Almighty says: Consider how things are going for you! You have planted much but harvested little. You have food to eat, but not enough to fill you up. You have wine to drink, but not enough to satisfy your thirst. You have clothing to wear, but not enough to keep you warm. Your wages disappear as though you were putting them in pockets filled with holes!"

Haggai 1.3-6

Nothing satisfies but God.

It is amazing to me that something in 520 b.c. could have meaning . . . . even sound like it was written for today. God was not pleased with His people because they were concerned about their own needs and desires--not about God's. It was all about them--not about God. It was about what they wanted. They weren't concerned about God's Temple . . . they just wanted more for themselves. And yet it didn't satisfy.

In so many ways I do the same thing. I put my wants ahead of God's--and in doing so I miss the blessings He is wanting to give me. I am also telling Him that I don't trust Him to meet my needs. I believe He won't give me "enough" so I hold back from Him so I can have more. And yet, no matter how much "more" I have, it never satisfies.

There is only one thing that can satisfy me--loving God with all of me and all that I have. When will I learn?

Father, You alone can satisfy--why do I chase after so many other "things?" Lord God, please help me to reset my priorities . . . those things that I value. May I put You first in everything. Thank You for loving me and wanting the best for me. Amen.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Life Journal September 24, 2007
Today's reading: Ezra 1; Psalm 84,85; Luke 7

God Stirring the Pot--I Mean the Heart

"In the first year of King Cyrus of Persia, the Lord fulfilled Jeremiah's prophecy by stirring the heart of Cyrus to put this proclamation into writing and to send it throughout his kingdom: . . . .

"Then God stirred the hearts of the priests and Levites and the leaders of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin to return to Jerusalem to rebuild the Temple of the Lord."

Ezra 1.1,5

God stirs hearts to accomplish His will.

Application (How will I be different today because of what I just read?)
Where is God stirring hearts--is He stirring mine or is He stirring others and wanting me to join in and work with them. How often do I miss God's stirring within me? God can even stir the heart of those who don't serve Him (at least knowingly) to open doors for us to serve Him. But, do I miss Him because He uses someone I wouldn't expect Him to??

More questions today than answers. I need to be looking for where God is at work--where He is stirring hearts--especially when it's mine!!

Lord God, Please work in my heart--stir it--so I can be who you want me to be. Use me. Let me be alert to where You are at work. Thank You for Your promises. Amen

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Life Journal September 20, 2007
Today's Readings: Daniel 5,6; Psalm 130; Luke 3

Continually Worshiping
Topic: Worship
"So at last the king gave orders for Daniel to be arrested and thrown into the den of lions. The king said to him, "May your God, whom you worship continually, rescue you." A stone was brought and placed over the mouth of the den. The king sealed the stone with his own royal seal and the seals of his nobles, so that no one could rescue Daniel from thelions. Then the king returned to his palace and spent the night fasting. He refuesed his usual entertainment and couldn't sleep at all that night.
"Very early the next morning, the king hurried out to the lions' den. When he got there, he called out in anguish, 'Daniel, servant of the living God! Was your God, whom you worship continually, able to rescue you from the lions?'
"Daniel answered, 'Long live the king! My God sent his angel to shut the lions' mouths so that they would not hurt me, for I have been found innocent in his sight. And I have not wronged you, your Majesty.'
"The king was overjoyed and ordered that Daniel be lifted from the den. Not a scratch was found on him because he had trusted in his God."
Daniel 6.16-23 (NLT)
Because of Daniel's faithfulness to God--and his trust in God--God saved him from the lions.
Application (How will I be different today because of what I just read?)
First God saves Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego from the firey furnace. Now, he saves Daniel from the lions.
God is able to save us. . . . so, why doesn't He always choose to? He didn't save them from going through the fire and from going into the lions' den, but He did protect them in the midst.
It makes it difficult to "see" God's saving work when we are in the midst of our fire or lion's den. We ask--where is God? Why would He allow this? He seems very distant, is it because I can't imagine seeing Him in the fire or the lions' den--that I believe that if I find myself there--that I will be alone, He won't be?
What jumped out at me was something the king said--"May your God, whom you worship continually. . ." (6.16) Then again in verse 20--"Was your God, whom you worship continually. . ."
Daniel was known for worshiping God continually. Not occasionally, not when he was in the mood, not just when things were going well. He worshiped God CONTINUALLY.
Maybe if I applied myself more to continually worshiping God, the fires and lions wouldn't matter so much. Maybe if I was continually worshiping God--my focus would only be on Him and not on my circumstances.
How will I be different today? I will work on worshiping God, my God who saves me, continually.
Lord God, how quickly I turn my focus from You to poor me. May I learn and grow today and worship You continually! Amen.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Life Journal September 12, 2007
Today's readings: Daniel 3,4; Psalms 81; Revelation 17

[Note: I will not be writing another blog until September 17th, as I will be away from my computer and have no access to the internet.]

Even If

"Nebuchadnezzar said to them, 'Is it true, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, that you refuse to serve my gods or to worship the gold statue I have set up? I will give you one more chance. If you bow down and worship the statue I have made when you hear the sound of musical instruments, all will be well. But if you refuse, you will be thrown immediately into the blazing furnace. What god will be able to rescue you from my power then?'

"Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego replied, 'O Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you. If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God whom we serve is able to save us. He will rescue us from your power, your Majesty. But even if he doesn't, your Majesty can be sure that we will never serve your gods or worship the gold statue you have set up.'"
Daniel 3.14-18 [the end of the story is at the end of this blog]

True faith means still believing . . . . . no matter what.

Application (How will I be different today because of what I just read?)
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego knew that their God could save them--(and this is the true faith part)--but that if He chose not it--"But even if he doesn't"--they would still not turn from Him.

A true test of faith. It is easy to trust God and have faith when God is answering prayers OUR way. . . . when we are safe, our health is good, our family is happy, we have a good job, we have warm (and nice) clothing, a place to live, and food on the table. But it is a whole other thing when we are faced with trials, and we know He could save us from--but might not--and we still have strong faith. That is where the rubber meets the road.

Would I be able to stand strong in the same circumstances??? I would like to think that I would, but, to be honest, I'm not sure I could/would. I mean, it is one thing to stand in front of the fire and have God enter the scene and save you--it's a whole other thing to be put into the fire BEFORE God steps in. I often expect God to keep me from having to go through the fire--"save me before they throw me in." And when I do that I tend to stay there--why didn't He save me from having to go through this--I miss what He is doing in the MIDST of the fire.

I am thankful that God promises not to give us more than we can handle (with His help)--I believe that if I am to go through something that I know I couldn't do on my own, He will give me the super strength I need. . . . and He will be with me. And the peace that passes all understanding!

So, how will I be different today because of these words of God? I think God is calling me to look for Him in the midst of the fires that He allows me to walk through--not to get stuck on why didn't He save me from the fire. To trust Him when I am thrown into the fire and to know that even when He doesn't save me from the fire--He is still God and His character has not changed . . . . . . He is still faithful and His love endures forever and He will never leave me.

Lord, I have to admit that I would rather You save me from the fire instead of me having to go through it. And yet, You are there--in the midst of my trial. You are there, by my side, in the midst of the hottest fire. Lord, I would pray for faith that would allow me to dance in the flames. To see You in the fire with me. To give me the strength to do the hard work of walking into the flames when I need to--remembering that I do not go alone. You are with me! Thank You!! I am Your child and I give You my life--even if and when it means walking into the flames. In Jesus' name, Amen.

The Rest of the Story
"Nebuchadnezzar was so furious with Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego that his face became distorted with rage. He commanded that the furnace be heated seven times hotter than usual. Then he ordered some of the strongest men of his army to bind Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego and throw them into the blazing furnace. So they tied them up and threw them into the furnace, fully clothed. And because the king, in his anger, had demanded such a hot fire in the furnace, the flames leaped out and killed the soldiers as they threw the three men in! So Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, securely tied, fell down into the roaring flames.

"But suddenly, as he was watching, Nebuchadnezzar jumped up in amazement and exclaimed to his advisers, 'Didn't we tie up three men and throw them into the furnace?'

"'Yes,' they said, 'we did indeed, your Majesty.'

"'Look!' Nebuchadnezzar shouted. 'I see four men, unbound, walking around in the fire. They aren't even hurt by the flames! And the fourth looks like a divine being!'

"Then Nebuchadnezzar came as close as he could to the door of the flaming furnace and shouted: 'Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, servants of the Most High God, come out! Come here!' So Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego stepped out of the fire. Then the princes, prefects, governors, and advisers crowded around them and saw that the fire had not touched them. Not a hair on their heads was singed, and their clothing was not scorched. They didn't even smell of smoke!

"Then Nebuchadnezzar said, 'Praise to the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego! He sent his angel to rescue his servants who trusted in Him. They defied the king's command and were willing to die rather than serve or worship any god except their own God.'"

Daniel 3.19-28

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Life Journal September 11, 2007
Today's readings: Daniel 1,2; Revelation 16

Standing Strong
Topic: Discipleship

"But Daniel made up his mind not to defile himself by eating the food and wine given to them by the king. He asked the chief official for permisison to eat other things instead. Now God had given the chief official great respect for Daniel. Be he was alarmed by Daniel's suggestion. 'My lord the king has ordered that you eat this food and wine,' he said. 'If you become pale and thin compared to the other youths your age, I am afraid the king will have me beheaded for neglecting my duties.'

"Daniel talked it over with the attendant who had been appointed by the chief official to look after Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah. 'Test us for ten days on a diet of vegetables and water,' Daniel said. 'At the end of the ten days, see how we look compared to the other young men who are eating the king's rich food. Then you can decide whether or not to let us continue eating our diet.' So the attendant agreed to Daniel's suggestion and tested them for ten days.

"At the end of the ten days, Daniel and his three friends lookd healthier and better nourished than the young men who had been eating the food assigned by the king."
Daniel 1.8-15 (NLT)

Daniel stood up for what he knew was the right thing for him to do and then proved that it was the right thing--the best thing.

Application (How will I be different today because of what I just read?)
How quick I often am to give in to the pressures of the world and do things that are not healthy for me. Whether it is what I eat or drink, or the pressure of achieving and success. All of these things affect my health, therefore the quality of my life.

Daniel and his friends said 'no' to what the other young men said yes to. And it is easy to imagine the other young men, who had been chosen, eating and drinking all that they could--over-indulging. I am guilty of sometimes taking on more than I should just because it is there and available. I have taken on the world's mindset that more must be better. Moderation is for the weak. How the enemy twists and turns the truth.

So, how will I be different today? God is faithful to point out those areas in my life where I give in to excess or what is unhealthy. I have to start listening. I have to begin believing that it is not punishment to say no. That it is not denying myself--but rather it is truly rewarding myself. That I am not giving up anything, but rather I am gaining so much more. It is about learning balance--not extremes. It is about saying 'no' to myself. Not going to be easy. But, with God on my side, leading me and helping me and guiding me and disciplining me--I can do it!

Father God, thank You for caring about all of me. I pray, Lord, that You will give me the strength I need to say 'no' to myself when I need to. I know I am rebellious--I hate to deny myself--but I know I must if I am going to grow in You. So help me. Forgive my rebelliousness. I want to be the person you have called me to be. Thank You for loving me enough to change me. In Jesus' name I pray this, amen.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Life Journal September 10, 2007
Today's readings: Lamentations 3-5; Revelation 15

The Importance of Remembering

"I will never forget this awful time, as I grieve over my loss. Yet I still dare to hope when I remember this:

"The unfailing love of the Lord never ends! By his mercies we have been kept from complete destruction. Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each day. I say to myself, 'The Lord is my inheritance; therefore, I will hope in him!'

"The Lord is wonderfully good to those who wait for him and seek him. So it is good to wait quietly for salvation from the Lord."
Lamentations 3.20-26

No matter what happens, or how things may feel or appear--God is still present . . . . still loving us.

Application (How will I be different today because of what I just read?)
WIthout the hope I have in the Lord, I have nothing. I have to hold on to the truth that I know--no matter how bad things may get, no matter how life "feels." I hold on to the truths I know--"The unfailing love of the Lord never ends!" Even when it might not feel that way--my hope lies in God's promises. Without that hope, life would be unbearable at times. "Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each day."

I have to continue to stay focused on what God has done for me--and come to a point where I can say--'Even if God did nothing else for me, His gift of grace--through the death of His Son, Jesus--is enough.'

Not always easy to do--I am in a world that tells me I deserve my own way--that life should be good. But reality tells me that because of the world, my life won't be always "good." (which in itself is a relative term).

There have been times when I have felt alone--that God is no where to be found. But I hope--I hold on to the truths that I know--I hold on to His promises--no matter what my circumstances--I can know, without a doubt . . . ."The unfailing love of the Lord never ends! . . . Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each day."

Lord, thank You for Your promises. They are the life-saving rope that You throw to me so I can hold on until I have the strength to pull myself back to You. Thank You for Your unfailing love. Thank You for Your faithfulness. Thank You for Your mercies. Thank You that they are not dependent on how I feel--they are always there and very real. Thank You for always being there--no matter what. Amen.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Life Journal September 7, 2007
Today's readings: 2 Kings 25; 2 Chronicles 36; Jeremiah 40,41; Revelation 12

The Battle Is Won!

Topic: Spiritual Warfare


"Then there was war in heaven. Michael and the angels under his command fought the dragon and his angels. And the dragon lost the battle and was forced out of heaven. This great dragon--the ancient serpent called the Devil, or Satan, the one deceiving the whole world--was thrown down to the earth with all his angels.

"Then I heard a loud voice shouthing across the heavens,
'It has happened at last--the salvation
and power and kingdom of our God,
and the authority of his Christ! For the
Accuser has been thrown down to
earth--the one who accused our
brothers and sisters before our God
day and night. And they have defeated
him because of the blood of the Lamb
and because of their testimony. And
they were not afraid to die. Rejoice,
O heavens! And you who live in the
heavens, rejoice! But error will come
on the earth and the sea. For the Devil
has come down to you in great anger,
and he knows that he has little time.'"
Revelation 12.7-12 (NLT)

The devil still prowls the earth looking for those who he can devour. [Be careful! Watch out for attacks from the Devil, your great enemy. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for some victim to devour. Take a firm stand against him, and be strong in your faith. ! Peter 5.8-9]

Application (How will I be different today because of what I just read?)

The devil deceives. He twists lies and truths to make them appear the same. He wants me to forget that I am in a battle--a spiritual battle. I must remember when attacks come that it is a spiritual battle and that I must call on God. And, I must remember that God has already won the war--no matter what it "feels" like right now. The enemy is a liar. He offers confusion where God offers clarity. He offers stress and tension where God offers perfect peace. The enemy offers death, while God offers life--eternal life.

Where is the enemy at work in my life? He is sneaky. He whispers lies mixed with truths into my ear, hoping to pull me away from the Truth. He tries to remove my focus from being on God--and tries to get me to focus on my circumstances or the world around me.

The enemy knows my weak spots, he knows how to catch me. But, I am not powerless! I can overcome the evil one! God gives me the power! God has overcome him. The battle is won! I don't have to keep fighting it over and over and over--I need to just cast him (the enemy) out! Then I can walk in the freedom that God has for me!

Father God, thank You for doing the hard work for me and overcoming the enemy. Help me to remember that the battle has already been fought--that You have already won. Close my ears to the lies and deceit of the evil one. Guide me in Your path of freedom. May I walk in the power of my Father! Thank You Lord! Amen!

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Life Journal September 6, 2007
Today's readings: Ezekiel 29-32; Revelation 11

Am I Ready?
Topic: Discipleship

"Then the seventh angel blew his trumpet, and there were loud voices shouting in heaven: 'The whole world has now become the Kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ, and he will reign forever and ever.'
"And the twenty-four elders sitting on their thrones before God fell on their faces and worshiped him. And they said,
"We give thanks to you, Lord God Almighty,
the one who is and who always was,
for now you have assumed your great power
and have begun to reign.
The nations were angry with you,
but now the time of your wrath has come.
It is time to judge the dead and reward your servants.
You will reward your prophets
and your holy people,
all who fear your name, from the
least to the greatest.
And you will destroy all who have
caused destruction on the earth.'
"Then, in heaven, the Temple of God was opened and the Ark of his covenant could be seen inside the Temple. Lightning flashed, thunder crashed and roared: there was a great hailstorm, and the world was shaken by a mighty earthquake."
Revelation 11.15-19 (NLT)

There will be a day when the whole world will become the Kingdom of God--where He will be worshiped and He will reign . . . .and judge.

Application (How will I be different today because of what I just read?)
The book of Revelation reminds me that there is a day coming when the world will be different, when Heaven will truly be on earth--and a day of judgement. The reading in Ezekiel, today, also points to God's holiness, righteousness, and judgement.

While I look forward to Christ's return--I find myself looking at my life and wondering if I am truly ready to stand before Him to be judged. I know that I am saved--I have no question there. But, Christ will judge what I have done . . . . and haven't done. . . . . while on earth. Am I ready for that?

I sometimes find myself thinking--well there is always tomorrow--I can worry about that then. Today I don't have time to make that call to a shut-in or help someone who is hungry or homeless or reach out to someone who is lonely. I can do that tomorrow . . . . . but tomorrow never seems to come. I get so busy with busyness that there isn't time for what is truly important. What will Christ say about my busyness??

Father, forgive me and my busyness--especially when it is done in Your name. It is so much easier to be busy for You than to truly serve You by reaching out and touching others in Your name. Please forgive me. I want to make a difference for You. Turn my busyness into service to others in Your name. Thank You Father. Amen.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Life Journal September 5, 2007
Today's readings: Ezekiel 25-28; Revelation 10

A Vision for Today?

"Son of man, weep for the king of Tyre. Give him this message from the Sovereign Lord: You were the perfection of wisdom and beauty. You were in Eden, the garden of God. Your clothing was adorned with every precious stone--red carnelian, chrysolite, white moonstone, beryl, onyx, jasper, sapphire, turquoise, and emerald--all beautifully crafted for you and set in the finest gold. They were given to you on the day you were created. I ordained and anointed you as the mighty angelic guardian. You had access to the holy mountain of God and walked among the stones of fire.

"You were blameless in all you did from the day you were created until the day evil was found in you. Your great wealth filled you with violence, and you sinned. So I banished you from the mountain of God, I expelled you, O mighty guardian from your place amont the stones of fire. Your heart was filled with pride because of all your beauty. You corrupted your wisdom for the sake of your splendor. So I threw you to the earth and exposed you to the curious gaze of kings.

"You defiled your sanctuaries with your many sins and your dishonest trade. So I brought fire from within you, and it consumed you. I let it burn you to ashes on the ground in the sight of all who were watching. All who knew you are appaled at your fate. You have come to a terrible end, and you are no more."

Ezekiel 28.12-19 (NLT)

These verses could be written about us (USA) today as easily as they were about Tyre so long ago.

Application (How will I be different today because of what I just read?)
These verses reflect what has happened to a country whom God had blessed and they misused His blessings. Makes me stop and think about my part in it all--what parts am I responsible for? What do I need to change in my life that can impact others?

Lord God, as I read these verses about Tyre and it's downfall I think of my country and how far we have fallen. Lord, how do I need to be changed to make a difference in your name? Is it too late? Lord, help us. Bring us to our knees. Open our eyes to how badly we need You! Amen

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Life Journal September 4, 2007
Today's readings: Ezekiel 22-24; Revelation 9

Standing In the Gap
Topic: Intercession

"I looked for someone who might rebuild the wall of righteousness that guards the land. I searched for someone to stand in the gap in the wall so I wouldn't have to destroy the land, but I found no one."
Ezekiel 22.30 (NLT)

Today, God still looks for those who will "stand in the gap" for others--intercess on the behalf of those who are weak, or have sin in their life, or are in a battle, etc.

How often am I willing to "stand in the gap" for someone rather than judge them? Am I ready to go to the throne room of God and cry out on their behalf--no matter what is going on in their life? Isn't that what Jesus did for me . . . . and still does for me? Am I willing to put aside my own desires and personal prayer list to pray for someone else?

Just as I need to stand in the gap for others, I personally need those who are willing to stand in the gap for me. We all have times when we need someone to intercess for us--just as the Holy Spirit does. There is an amazing thing that happens in my own life when I pray for another. . . . . I become more like Jesus--putting someone elses needs before my own desires. What a privilege it is to truly intercede for someone.

When I am talking about interceding for someone, I'm not talking about prayers of "please bless . . . . " or "be with them during this tough time" and the like. I am talking about standing--and standing strong--on their behalf. Fighting the battle for them--possibly fighting the battle for their very soul. It is not giving up, but praying without ceasing for the battle they are in and praying until it is over. Sometimes we are too beaten down to fight our own battle and need others to come along side and fight/pray for us.

Who is God calling me to stand in the gap for today?

Father God, thank You for those You send to intercede for me. Bless them Lord as they pray for me. Open my eyes, Lord, for those You would have me stand in the gap for. Use me in this way Lord. Thank You Father for all those who hear and answer your call to stand in the gap. In Jesus' name, amen.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Life Journal September 3, 2007
Today's readings: Ezekiel 20, 21; Psalm 111; Revelation 8

What Do I Have That God Could Want or Need?
Topic: Worship

"For on my holy mountain, says the Sovereign Lord, the people of Israel will someday worship me, and I will accept them. There I will require that you bring me all your offerings and choice gifts and sacrifices. When I bring you home from exile, you will be as pleasing to me as an offering of perfumed incense. And I will display my holiness in you as all the nations watch. Then when I have brouth you home to the land I promised your ancestors, you will know that I am the Lord. You will ook back at all your sins and hate yourselves because of the evil you have done. You will know that I am the Lord, O people of Israel, when I have honored my name by treating you mercifully in spite of your wickedness, says the Sovereign Lord."
Ezekiel 20.40-44 (NLT)

God's patience and mercy and faithfulness is beyond anything I can understand. And, because of this . . . . . because of His great love for me, in spite of my sinfulness. . . . . . . He alone deserves all my worship.

Application (How will I be different today because of what I have just read?)
God asks for my best--my all. For if I give Him all that I have, then there is nothing to give to the "idols" of the world . . . . . . money, power, success, material things, etc.

It is amazing to me that God "needs" anything from me. Afterall, He created the world, He hung the stars in the sky, He created everything. And yet, He desires to be in relationship with me. He loves me and wants me to love Him in return. The only way that I can demonstrate my love to Him and for Him is when I bring Him my best, my all, me.

For me to do this, I must die to myself . . . . . giving myself completely to God, withholding nothing. Not easy to do, there are dark corners that I have hidden that I don't want Him to know about. . . . . how sneaky the enemy is--whispering that God wouldn't want that part, hissing that there are parts of my life that I should withhold because God would be disappointed if He knew. Ha! He does know every part of me. He created me. And He wants to shine light on all the darkness in my life, but He can only do that if I allow Him to--if I give myself totally to Him.

What do I have that God could want or need?????? ME! 100% of me. All my love. All I have. I must bring to Him and lay me at His feet. I can know, with confidence, that is the sacrifice that will be pleasing to Him. That is the gift He wants--the perfect offering from me is me!

Father God, I am overwhelmed by the thought that what You want is me. Lord, I continue to give myself to You. Lord, continue to work in my life, shining Your perfect Light on all the dark corners--so I can belong to you more and more. Lord, I offer myself to You . . . . . completely. Thank You for loving me so much. Thank You for calling me by name to be Your child. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Life Journal September 2, 2007
Today's readings: Ezekiel 27-19; Revelation 7

Praising God

After this I saw a vast crowd, too great to count, from every nation and tribe and people and language, standing in front of the throne and before the Lamb. They were clothed in white and held palm branches in their hands. And they were shouting with a mighty shout, "Salvation comes from our God on the throne and from the Lamb!"

And all the angels were standing around the throne and around the elders and the four living begins. And they fell face down before the throne and worshiped God. They said,

"Amen! Blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving and honor and power and strength belong to our God forever and forever. Amen!"

Then one of the twenty-four elders asked me, "Who are these who are clothed in white? Where do they come from?"

And I said to him, "Sir, you are the one who knows."

Then he said to me, "These are the ones coming out of the great tribulation. They washed their robes in the blood of the Lamb and made them whilte. That is why they are standing in front of the throne of God, serving him day and night in his Temple. And he who sits on the throne will live among them and shelter them. They will never again be hungry or thirsty, and they will be fully protected from the scorching noontime heat. For the Lamb who stands in front of the throne will be their Shepherd. He will lead them to the springs of life-giving water. And God will wipe away all their tears."
Revelation 7.9-17 (NLT)

Worship in heaven is going to be indescribable!

What an amazing picture of worship in heaven! One of the things that stands out to me is verse 10: "And they were shouting with a mighty shout, 'Salvation comes from our God on the throne and from the Lamb!'" They were shouting!

As I prepare to go to church today, I will take this picture of worship with me. A picture of people being so excited to be worshiping the Living God and His Son, that they are shouting. When was the last time I shouted in church? Why is it so easy to cheer and shout at a football game--and so hard to worship God with enthusiasm and shouting? How sad it must make God when I don't give my all in worship to Him.

One of the other things that stands out to me is verse 9: "After this I saw a vast crowd, too great to count, from every nation and tribe and people and language, standing in front of the throne and before the Lamb." I think it is easy to think that everyone in heaven is going to look and sound just like me. What a great reminder that it is going to be wonderfully diverse! And a vast crowd!

Heaven is going to be amazing. To be in the presence of God--SHOUTING my praises! Come soon Lord Jesus!


Saturday, September 1, 2007

Life Journal September 1, 2007
Today's Readings: Ezekiel 15, 16; Psalm 70; Revelation 6

Our Covenant-Keeping God
Topic: God's Nature

"Now this is what the Sovereign Lord says: I will give you what you deserve, for you have taken your solemn vows lightly by breaking your covenant. Yet I will keep the covenant I made with you when you were young, and I will establish an everlasting covenant with you. Then you will remember with shame all the evil you have done. . . . And I will reaffirm my covenant with you, and you will know that I am the Lord. You will remember your sins and cover your mouth in silence and shame when I forgive you of all that you have done, says the Sovereign Lord."
Ezekiel 16.59-63 (NLT)

That while we are often unfaithful in our commitment to God--He desires to remain in relationship with us and not only keeps his covenant with us . . . . . He establishes an everlasting one with us.

Application (How will I be different today because of what I have just read?)
This Scripture reminds me that once I become a child of God, I am His forever. His everlasting covenant (His Son, Jesus Christ, taking on my sin and paying the price in full for it--dying my death) with me is just that . . . . everlasting. He paid the price, once and for all time, for me. All because He wants to be in relationship with me. Me a sinner. He loves me that much.

What will it look like if I walk in that covenant relationship with Him--if I do my part? (I know He does His part.) To love Him first and put Him first in all areas of my life. To love what He loves. To love the lost and share His love with them. To say "no" to my rebellious and sinful self. To remember that it is not about me--it is about my Lord. To die to my self. To choose to walk in the Light. To choose to do what He calls me to do. To choose--every minute of every day--to find my life in Him.

Lord God, I am overwhelmed by the thought that You desire to be in relationship with me--me a sinner. You love me . . . . . . . just as I am. Lord, I want to live a life that brings You honor and glory. I want to please You and You alone. But Lord, I often fall down--slip-up--make a mess of things-- because I try to please others . . . . . . or even worse, I worry about pleasing myself. Today Lord, I start fresh. Today Lord, I once again commit myself to following You. Today Lord, I will love you first. Help me Lord to be the person You have called me to be--Your child. Thank You Lord for loving me, today and everyday, especially when I am not so lovable. I do love You. May it show today! Amen.