Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Life Journal, November 11, 2008 [Veteran's Day]
Today's readings: Psalm 122; 1 Corinthians 9-11


If you think you are standing strong, be careful not to fall. The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure.
1 Corinthians 10.12-13

We are all tempted in life--the difference is whether we rely on our own strength or God's strength to stand strong against it.

Application (How will I be different today because of what I have just read?)
Will I give in--or will I stand strong? Will I have self-control--or will I give God control? Will I fool myself into believing that I can do it on my own--or will I turn my entire life over to God? Often the areas that I hold back from God . . . and try to do myself . . . are those that I'm just not ready or willing to let God change me in. Ouch!

Working with addicts, sometimes I lose my patience. I hate to admit it--but it's true. I wonder why they just can't quit. Then God says, 'They are trying to do it on their own--just like you. . . that's why they can't.' Oh.

So today, I will turn ALL areas over to God. I will trust Him with all my bad habits, all my hurts, and hang-ups. I don't have to do it on my own--why would I even want to when I don't have to?? Why would I even try when I know that I can't do it on my own--or if I do try, it will be harder than it has to be. Today, I will find my strength in God. Today, I will allow God to take control. Today, I will succeed--not because of anything I do--but because of God at work in my life!! Praise God!

Thank You God, that I don't have to do it on my own. Thank You that You are in control! Thank You that You are my strength! Thank You that You are on my side--that You want me to succeed!! Yes!!!

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