Friday, November 9, 2007

Life Journal November 9, 2007
Today's readings: Job 34; 1 Corinthians 4-6

Living In Power

"For the Kingdom of God is not just fancy talk; it is living by God's power."
1 Corinthians 4.20

Talk is cheap--living out our faith can only be done through the power of God.

Application (How will I be different today because of what I just read?)
We know the right words--we know how to sound "Christian." But, does our lives truly demonstrate what we say we believe? This can only happen if we live out our faith by allowing God's power--living in us in the form of the Holy Spirit--to rule our lives.

Yet, I often live a powerless life. Why? Because I try to do it myself. How much more could "I" accomplish if I allowed God to work through me and in me to accomplish what He wants for the Kingdom? It is a matter of giving up control . . . . daily--or even minute by minute if necessary.

Why would I choose to be powerless when I can walk in God's power--when I can live and operate and move and have my being in God's power????

I often ask when small petty conflicts arise--Is it a Kingdom issue? But, I must move past the asking--the fancy talk--and move into Kingdom action--walking in God's power.

Father God, I don't know why it is so difficult to let go and trust You. I give up so much when I don't. And yet, I hold on to what I know so tightly. Lord, help pry my fingers loose. I want to give you complete and total control. I want to have Your power in my life. I want to be more than fancy words--I want to live and walk in Kingdom power that I can only receive from You when I give You complete and total control of my life--when I allow the Holy Spirit to reign in my life. Lord, I look forward to what You are going to do in my life and through my life. Thank You!!

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