Monday, January 28, 2008

Life Journal January 28, 2008
Today's readings: Exodus 21, 22; Psalm 12; Acts 4

One Heart

All the believers were of one heart and mind, and they felt that what they owned was not their own; they shared everything they had. And the apostles gave powerful witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus and God's great favor was upon them all. There was no poverty amon them, because people who owned land or houses sold them, and brought the money to the apostles to give to others in need.
Acts 4.32-35

When we see our lives and everything we own as belonging to God, we can live in unity--with one heart and mind--because there is nothing to distract us.

Application (How will I be different today because of what I have just read?)
How contrary to today's world is the concept of "what they owned was not their own;" and "they shared everything they had." We are told to own and buy more. . . . our value is found in what we have . . . . not in who we are. How different would the world of believers be if we lived this way? How differen would the world be?

Not only did they live it out, they gave powerful witness. . . and God's great favor was upon them.

What if we did simplify? What if we didn't worry about tomorrow? What if we gave God all of ourselves and all that we have--for His use? I know my life would certainly look and be different. My priorities would change. Less would be more. And isn't that what Jesus taught--that God's ways are the opposite of the worlds?

So, first steps. Downsize. Give away all that I don't use. I don't need all that I have. . . I don't even use a lot of it. Look at how I use my money. Is it how God would call me to use it? Be open to the opportunities He calls me to help others. Be bold about who I serve and why.

Each of these are steps in a bigger journey. But, I can't get anywhere if I don't take that first step. And there is no better time to start than now.

Lord, help me to simplify my life and my possessions. I want to live the life You are calling me to . . . and I can't when I am weighted down with "things." I offer everything I have to you. It all belongs to You. Use me and what I have for Your Kingdom. May I be found faithful in all things.

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