Saturday, December 15, 2007

Life Journal December 15, 2007
Today's readings: James 1-5

Faith Enough to Act

Dear brothers and sisters, what's the use of saying you have faith if you don't prove it by your actions? That kind of faith can't save anyone. Suppose you see a brother or sister who needs food or clothing, and you say, "Well, good-bye and God bless you; stay warm and eat well"--but then you don't give that person any food or clothing. What good does that do?

So you see, it isn't enough just to have faith. Faith that doesn't show itself by good deeds is no faith at all--it is dead and useless."
James 2.14-17

If we truly have faith in God it will show in what we say and do. . . . it is more than mere words.

Application (How will I be different today because of what I have just read?)
I hear it often--I am saved by grace not by works. As if that gives an excuse not to put our faith to work and let it show through good deeds. It is especially true here in IF, afterall we do not want to be confused with the mormons--who believe that good works are essential to their salvation and placement in heaven. So, we have an excuse to not live it out.

I have gotten in trouble more than once for suggesting that if we truly believe that it will show itself through our actions not just some of our words. How can I claim that God lives in me and not show it???

The biggest challenge for me is to show it when I don't want to--to those I judge as not necessarily "worthy" of receiving my good works, my kind deeds. Who am I to judge who I should help and who I shouldn't?? Yet I do. I see someone on the side of the road and make a quick decision as to whether I will give them a couple of dollars or not--and it is all based on my mood and my judgement at that moment.

Jesus taught that when we help feed the hungry, give a drink, invite folks into our homes, clothe the naked, care for the sick, and visit those in prison that we are doing it to Him. [Matthew 25.31-46] He did not teach that we were to judge who was worthy--we are called to love and live out our faith in His name.

How different the world would be if I live out my faith--if I allow it to be more than just words. If I share the love of Jesus Christ through action. Love must be an action if it is really going to make a difference and change the world.

Father God, thank You that I am called to action--not to just sit by and watch others at work. But I am called to work and serve You. May everything I do always point to You. May I see others through Your eyes and serve them as if I was serving You. Not just tossing a couple of dollars their way so I can feel good about helping someone--but may I actually make myself uncomfortable and inconvenienced for the sake of others. You did it for me . . . may I do it for others. Thank You Father!!

1 comment:

Friar Tuck said...

I like how you have put this together!