Friday, October 24, 2008

Life Journal, October 24, 2008
Today's readings: Job 15; Acts 19-20


I declare today that I have been faithful.
Acts 20.26a

Paul faithfully does what God asks--no matter the cost.

Application (How will I be different today because of what I have just read?)
Can I declare today that I have been faithful in what God has called me to do?? Can I stand before Jesus on judgment day and know that "If anyone suffers eternal death, it's not my fault, for I didn't shrink from declaring all that God wants you to know"? (The rest of verse 26)

Paul says earlier in the chapter . . . "I never shrank back from telling you what you needed to hear, either publicly or in your homes." (vs.20) That's not an easy task. People don't want to hear what they need to hear.

So, today, I need to examine those areas in my life where I have not been faithful--those areas that I need to work harder in, to be bolder in, to be more obedient in. And then, I need to do what I need to do--whatever it takes, whatever the cost--to be able to declare, as Paul did, I declare today I have been faithful!

Thank You Father for Your word and call for me to be faithful. I cannot do it in my own strength--only with You. Lord, shine light on those areas of my life where I have not been faithful--those areas I need to work harder in, to be bolder in, and to be more obedient in. Then help me!! Thank You that You walk each step with me and never leave me alone!! Today, may I be found faithful in all that You call me to do and say!

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