Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Life Journal 3 July 2007
Life Journal readings today: Isaiah 6,7; 2 Chronicles 26, 27; Philemon

Letting Go
Topic: Forgiveness
Scripture: Philemon 10a
"show kindness to Onesimus."
In this short book Paul reminds us of our need to let go of those things that we hold against others--their "sins" against us, especially when they have accepted Jesus as their personal Savior.
Application (How will I be different today because of what I have just read?)
How often do I continue to hold on to others sins against me? It is so easy to do--too easy to do. Why do I refuse to let go of those things that someone does "against me" when they are a brother or sister in Christ? If Christ can forgive them (and has forgiven me for all the times I have sinned against Him) who am I not to forgive them. If Christ truly lives within me, as I claim He does, then I have to forgive others and let go of their sin(s) against me. By forgiving, I am not saying that what has happened is right or okay, but I am demonstrating the love of Christ at work in my life.
Who do I need to forgive today . . . . and welcome back into my life? Who do I need to reach out to and love with God's love? What brother or sister in Christ have I turned my back on--or turned against--that I need to forgive and ask them to forgive me for harboring these feelings?
Paul paints a clear picture of how we should treat those who have come into the family of God--even if they have sinned against us. He reminds us that God's family is about God and His forgiveness--it's not about us--and we need to get over ourselves.
Father God, I would like to think that I do this pretty well, when, in truth, there are some that I hold on to hard feelings about. You have forgiven me for so much--help me to have Your heart and to forgive others . . . . and then to return to fellowship with them. Lord, help me to keep things about You--to take myself out of the picture, other than when you can use me as a vessel of your love and grace. Thank You for forgiving me. Thank You for loving me. In Jeus name, amen.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In my opinion you are not right. Write to me in PM, we will discuss.