Monday, July 27, 2009

Life Journal, July 27, 2009
Today's readings: Isaiah 50-52; Psalm 92; 2 Peter 1

No Fear?

Because the Sovereign Lord helps me,
I will not be disgraced.
Therefore, I have set my face like a stone,
determined to do his will
And I know that I will not be put to shame. . . .

If you are walking in darkness,
without a ray of light,
trust in the Lord,
and rely on your God.
Isaiah 50.7, 10

God's got my back.

Application (How will I be different today because of what I have just read?)
It is so easy to allow others to have power over different areas of our lives--all because we want to please others or because we don't want the hassle that will come if we do something different. How often do I give in to the will of others rather than follow the will of God--all because I do not want to cause waves?

But that's not what I am called to do. The only One I need to concern with pleasing is God. . .not man. It is His will that I need to follow.

I have felt that I have been walking in darkness, without a ray of light. There seemed to be no life-giving hope--it felt like it had been stolen. But, that is because I was not trusting God, I was not relying on my God. I was allowing others to have too much power in my life.

What has pulled me away? It doesn't really matter--what is important is that I have recognized that I have gotten off of the path and that I make the effort to get back on it (with God's help).

So, today, I will "set my face like a stone, determined to do His will" . . . not worrying about the cost. . . . knowing that I can trust Him completely . . . no matter what . . . all because of His amazing extravagant love for me.

Today, Lord God, I ask for You to show me Your will--what it is that You want me to do. Today, I put my trust in You. Today, I will rely only on You. Thank You for Your love for me. Thank You for the Light You bring into my life. Thank You for reminding me that I do not need to walk in darkness. Today, may I walk boldly into all that You have called me to. Today, may my life honor You and You alone.

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