Wednesday, April 7, 2010

April 7, 2010
Today's readings: Deuteronomy 31.1-32.27; Luke 12.8-34; Psalm 78.32-55; Proverbs 12.21-23

God's Word For My Day

Be strong and courageous! . . . Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord will personally go ahead of you. He will be with you; he will neither fail you nor abandon you.
Deuteronomy 31.7, 8

Then turning to his disciples, Jesus said, "That is why I tell you not to worry about everyday life--whether you have enough food to eat or enough clothes to wear. For life is more than food, and your body more than clothing. . . Can all your worries add a single moment to your life? And if worry can't accomplish a little thing like that, what's the use of worrying over bigger things?

"Look at the lilies and how they grow. They don't work or make their clothing, yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are. And if God cares so wonderfully for flowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith?

"And don't be concerned about what to eat and what to drink. Don't worry about such things. These things cominate the thoughts of unbelievers all over the world, but your Father already knows your needs. Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and he will give you everything you need.

"So don't be afraid, little flock. For it gives your Father great happiness to give you the Kingdom."
Luke 12.22-23, 25-26, 29-32

We are to be strong and courageous and without worries if we have faith and trust in God.

Application (How will I be different today because of what I have just read?)
I read these words and have a mixed response--first of all, they encourage me and remind me who truly is in control. But . . . . then I realize how weak and lacking my faith and trust in God really are. I hear God's promises and am strengthened by them . . . and yet find myself wringing my hands, wondering how much longer I can make it without a job.

And yet . . . I can look around me and see God's abundant supply for my every need. He has given me a great place to stay. Good friends who love me and encourage me and support me and demonstrate His great love and care for me in all that they do. I am invited to "be still" for a season and allow God to refill me, refresh me, renew me, and heal me.

I am finding that it takes strength and courage to "be still"--actually maybe more than to be busy. And in the stillness God meets me and tells me, "Do not be afraid or discouraged, for I am personally going ahead of you. I am with you; I will neither fail you nor abandon you." [paraphrased] In the stillness He is providing for me--meeting my every physical need.

So, today I will not wrestle, I will not worry--I will rest in His promises. I will be strong and courageous--not with my own strength, but with His. Today, I will not worry--for God, my God, is in control. I am blessed beyond measure. Today I will count my many blessings. Today the healing can begin.

Thank You, Father God, for Your Word for me today. You know just what I need and then provide it. You knew that today I would be able to hear it, so You gave it to me today. Thank You. Thank You for providing so generously for me. I pray that You will bless all my friends You have used to be a blessing to me. Lord, You know that being still and waiting are not things I am very good at, help me to trust and rest in You as I grow in these areas. Help me to not get ahead of You. Thank You for loving me so much.

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